AssembliesCoyote Assemblies are held regularly to celebrate students who exemplify Coyote Pride and our monthly character trait. Parents are invited to Coyote Assemblies by the classroom teacher or letter from the school. Balloons are not allowed because they are a distraction. Other assemblies are held for a variety of reasons, such as school-wide expectations, PTA assemblies, and Veteran’s Day. Due to the capacity of our gym, parents are not invited to all assemblies. Students are expected to stay for the remainder of the day after an assembly.
AttendanceRegular attendance is a powerful predictor of school success. When absent, student’s miss important instruction and can fall behind quickly. Missing just 1-2 days a month will result in chronic absenteeism, making school more difficult for your child. Our goal is to have every student at school on time every day. We are asking for your partnership in getting your student to school every day.
If a student has missed seven (7) days of school during a school year, our district requires third-party documentation to excuse all future absences, late arrivals, and early dismissals. Qualified third-party documentation includes a note from a doctor, dentist, therapist, psychologist, etc. which lists the specific dates of absence to be excused.
If you cannot take your child to the doctor, you may bring your child to the school health room. If the school nurse determines that your student is too ill to stay at school, the absence will be excused. If a parent or guardian chooses to take a student home after the school nurse determines the student should stay, the absence will be considered unexcused.
ConferencesIn elementary school, after five excused absences in any month, or ten or more unexcused absences in the school year, the school is required to schedule a conference. The purpose of the conference is to identify barriers and supports available to you and your student and to develop a plan for regular attendance.
Planned Absences Extended vacations during the school year are highly discouraged because students miss essential instruction. The school principal (or designee) has the authority to determine if an absence meets the criteria for an excused absence. (FPSD Policy 3122 and 3122 P). Parents and students should understand that teachers cannot possibly pre-teach the lessons nor provide make-up assignments to cover all the material that will be missed. A parent or guardian must request prior approval for an excused planned absence, and submit a planned absence request form. Forms are available in the school office.
We understand that sometimes students need to miss school. However, students should not miss more than 9 days in a school year unless there are extenuating circumstances. If your child must be absent, please call the office at 253-298-3406.
Thank you for your partnership. We love having your child at school, and we miss him/her when they are gone.
Birthday TreatsIf you wish to bring treats for your child’s birthday, please notify the classroom teacher. All birthday treats must be store bought and will be served in the afternoon in the classroom. Please deliver to the office before lunch. Due to safety on the bus and classroom distractions, balloons are not allowed at school.
We provide free breakfast and lunch for all students attending Collins Elementary.
Change in Student Information:It is critical that we can contact you in the case of an emergency. Please make sure that the office has an updated address, phone number, and emergency contact.
Dress & Appearance:Appropriate clothing and shoes are required for all students to ensure a safe learning environment, free of distractions. Please follow the below guidelines:
1. Hats, hoods, headgear and gloves will be worn outside only. (except for religious headwear)
2. Clothing cannot have profanity or promote/advertise drugs, alcohol, or tobacco products.
3. Appearance cannot imply gang membership or affiliation.
4. Shoulder straps are at least 2-finger widths wide.
5. Transparent clothing, strapless tops, bare mid-drift tops cannot be worn.
6. Skirts and shorts need to be longer than your fingertips or have leggings underneath.
7. Shoes should be appropriate for PE and recess. These must be closed-toed for safety. If you wear shoes that are not appropriate for PE and recess, you must bring shoes to wear for those activities.
If inappropriate clothing is worn to school, students will be sent to the health room to find a solution. A solution may be a call home so that clothes/shoes can be brought to school or alternative clothing/shoes will be provided by the health room.
Learning Opportunities: At Collins, students are expected to follow the 4 BEs, BE Safe, BE Respectful, BE Responsible, & BE Cooperative. We understand that elementary school is a time to learn and practice appropriate school behaviors. Therefore, students need to be taught what is expected and have opportunities to practice. All Collins staff teach expected behaviors in all areas and positively reinforce positive behaviors. When students are not following expectations, Collins staff will use the following 3-tiered system to respond to misbehavior.
Level 1- Mild Misbehaviors: These are minor misbehaviors that can be adequately corrected at the time they occur by the classroom teacher or adult supervisor in a common area.
Examples of Level 1 behaviors: minor disruptions, not completing assignments, not participating, minor disrespect, running in the hallways, rule infractions in the classroom or common area.
Staff Response: On the Spot, Low Intensity Positive Strategies (examples: verbal reminder, proximity, ignoring, reassurance, use a timer, etc.)
Level 2- Moderate or Persistent Misbehaviors: These are misbehaviors that are chronic (occur with increased intensity and/or frequency) OR are serious. They do not require immediate administrator involvement but do require documentation and a consequence/correction.
Examples of Level 2 behaviors: repeated disruptions, repeated refusal, physical or verbal aggression.
Staff Response: The adult who observes a Level 2 infraction corrects the student at the time and assigns the student a consequence/correction. Responding staff will contact the parent/guardian, and the incident details are shared with administration
Level 3- Severe Infractions: These are serious misbehaviors that require administrative involvement because of their dangerous, destructive and/or illegal nature.
Examples of Level 3 behaviors: significant disruption, significant unsafe behavior, fighting, assault, vandalism, bullying or harassment.
Staff Response: A staff member who observes a Level 3 infraction will first make sure that all students are safe and clear of harm. Staff member will immediately request administrative support.
Each student at Collins is expected to behave in a positive manner so that ALL students can remain engaged in learning. The school climate must be preserved so that students are free from distractions and learning can occur. We need your support in maintaining appropriate conduct in school.
We understand that sometimes electronic devices are necessary and that some students will have them at school. At Collins, we have an “Off and Away” policy. Cellphones and other electronics must be turned off and placed in a student’s backpack while at school. If you need to contact your child during the day, please contact the main office at 253-298-3400. If your child needs to call you, their teacher will find an appropriate time for them to call.
Please note- we are not responsible for lost, stolen or broken electronics. If possible, please leave these items at home.
If a student does not follow the electronics expectations:
1st Time: The staff member will hold the cell phone and return it to student at the end of the day. 2nd Time: A parent/guardian will need to pick up the device from school.
Continued violations: Administrative involvement will be necessary which may include staff securing the device during the day or the student may no longer be allowed to bring the device to school.
FPSD Policy 3245- Students and Telecommunication Devices:
While on school property or while attending school-sponsored or school-related activities, students shall not use personal telecommunication devices including, but not limited to, pagers, beepers, and cellular phones, in a manner that poses a threat to academic integrity, disrupts the learning environment, or violates the privacy rights of others.
Students who violate this policy will be subject to disciplinary action, including suspension or expulsion; and losing the privilege of bringing the device onto school property. In addition, an administrator may confiscate or with reasonable cause search the device, which shall only be returned to the student’s parent/guardian. Content or images that violate criminal laws will be forwarded to law enforcement.
Students are responsible for devices they bring to school. The district shall not be responsible for loss, theft, or destruction of devices brought onto school property.
Students shall comply with any additional rules developed by the school concerning the appropriate use of telecommunication or other electronic devices.
Health Services:
Healthy students are more successful learners, and our philosophy is to work cooperatively with parents to provide a healthy and safe environment for learning. If your child has a special health condition, please notify the teacher and the school health office (253) 298-3408. Health conditions may include chronic asthma, food allergies, bee sting allergies, or any condition that will affect your child during school hours. Should your child take daily medication at home, please notify the health office so any side effects can be recognized and treated. It is also essential to notify the health office if there is a medical condition that impacts your child’s regular attendance.
In case a student has an accident or becomes ill at school, the following steps will be taken:
1. First aid will be administered.
2. If serious, the parents/guardian will be contacted. Please be aware, a school nurse may not be on site to make a diagnosis. In those cases, office personnel will exercise their best judgment in determining whether the situation is serious and if emergency personnel need to be contacted.
3. If the parent cannot be reached, the emergency contact provided by the parent will be called. Please ensure that the school has at least two emergency numbers to call in case you cannot be reached. Persons listed on the emergency card will be considered to have your approval for temporary care.
4. Children leaving school during the day for health or other reasons, must have a parent or authorized guardian sign them out through the school office.
Medication: Parents have the primary responsibility for administering medication to their children. However, if medication is needed during school hours, a medical permission form, signed by a parent and physician, is required before any medication can be given at school. State law allows for students to be administered only oral medications at school (including inhalers). The two exceptions are for insulin and epi-pen use. Medication needs to be in the original container with the doctor’s instructions attached. These forms are available in the health room. Students are not to have any over-the-counter medication at school at any time. The health room staff cannot administer cough drops, aspirin, etc. without a doctor’s note.
In lieu of homework find time in your day to read or tell stories for at least 20 minutes a day and find math and science around your world. If work is sent home and you are not sure how to support your child please notify their teacher.
Franklin Pierce Schools will use REMIND as a communication platform that makes it easier for educators, students, and parents to work together. Remind allows for the sending of messages via SMS, in-app notifications, or email in over 100 different languages through a one-stop communication solution. Here is a video demo on how to download and use the Remind app.
Incident Reports - Bullying, Conflicts, Teasing, Mean
In elementary school, students are developing important social skills and learning to get along. Communicating, making friends, empathizing, setting boundaries, handling conflicts and accepting each other’s differences are important. Parents are student’s first teachers and, in partnership with you, we are continuously working to develop these skills. Restorative Practices (, Changemakers SEL curriculum (, teaching and practicing expectations, and rewarding positive behaviors are a few strategies we use at school.
There are times when students have conflicts, tease, or say mean and rude comments to each other. And just like adults, sometimes students make a poor choice. These situations are very common and normal. We strive to teach students how to handle these situations appropriately and to ensure that all students and staff feel safe at Collins. If you have any concerns about a potential bullying situation, conflict, teasing or mean behavior, please communicate with us. We cannot help your child if we are not aware, and it is most effective when we can intervene early. Please contact your child’s teacher, a school counselor or an administrator with any concerns. You are your child’s best advocate, and we want to partner with you.
Conflict vs. Bullying
Equal Power
Two-way (both students are participating) Can be repeated or one-time
Can be a misunderstanding or on-purpose
Imbalance of Power
One-way (the victim is not participating) Repeated
On-Purpose Severe, danger
Items from home
Toys (spinners, slime, Pokémon cards, etc.), games, sports equipment or other items that interfere with the learning environment should not be brought to school unless special permission has been granted. Students are not allowed to sell or trade items of any kind at school, except for school-sponsored activities. We are not responsible if any of these items are lost or stolen on school property. If such items are brought to school, they may be taken and kept in the office until parents come to claim them or held until the end of the school year (repeated offenses).
Lost and Found
Items of clothing marked with a child’s name are easily returned to their owner. Other items can be reclaimed at the Lost and Found (located on the rack and tables by the main stairwell). Eyeglasses, jewelry, money or other valuables are kept in the office and can be reclaimed following appropriate identification. For health, safety and storage reasons, unclaimed items from the Lost and Found are periodically donated to charity. Please check with your child frequently about any lost or misplaced items.
Problem Solving
Throughout the school year, situations may arise which cause concern for parents, teachers, students, or community members. The process described below is structured to promote resolving situations quickly to the satisfaction of all parties involved. This process also encourages those people closest to the situation to examine and develop solutions to concerns. A positive resolution of these situations enhances communication, builds trust between members of the school community, and benefits the educational program for students. These are the steps designed to resolve problem situations quickly and satisfactorily. Please use these steps if you have a concern:
- Step 1 – Contact the appropriate staff member: The first step in resolving a concern is to discuss it with the staff member(s) involved, i.e. the teacher, counselor, assistant principal, etc.
- Step 2 – Contact the principal: If Step 1 does not resolve the concern, discuss it with Katie Kehoe, our principal.
Recess is an important time when students get to expend physical energy, explore, express themselves creatively, have fun together, build and strengthen friendships, and independently experience life lessons which will help them develop and grow. We want to create a play environment where all kids feel safe and can find a place where they belong.
General Playground Expectations:
1. For safety and to maintain order, it is essential to follow the directions of adults.
2. Concerns at recess should be shared with an adult right away.
3. Misconduct such as play fighting, kicking, pushing, karate, and grabbing of clothing is not tolerated.
4. Objects such as rocks, gravel, twigs, mulch, etc. are to stay on the ground.
5. Appropriate language for school is to be used. “Keep it clean.”
6. Use the playground equipment appropriately, and follow the rules of all games.
7. In cold weather, coats must be taken outside. After students have left the classrooms, they are not allowed to return unsupervised to get their coats.
8. For dangerous or illegal behavior, such as fighting, students will be sent directly to the office. The parents will be notified of the infraction and the consequences.
9. Invite other students to join in. It is not ok to exclude or tell others they cannot play.
10. Play safely and have fun!
Report Cards & Evaluation:
Report cards are sent home after each trimester (approximately every 12 weeks of instruction). Report cards are sent home with your child. Please contact your child’s teacher if you have any questions regarding their progress. Franklin Pierce School District uses Standards Based Grading.
Standards-Based Learning and Grading
Grades should communicate students’ knowledge and skills. Standards-based learning, assessment, and grading focuses on the connection between academic expectations (standards) and the level of proficiency demonstrated by students. Tasks assigned to students are aligned to district and state standards and allow teachers to track progress, give feedback, and adapt instruction to ensure students meet proficiency.
Standards-based grading performance descriptors:
The standards-based grade book and report card will communicate to students and families the student’s progress toward proficiency in a set of predetermined standards grouped into domains.
The performance descriptors used at the elementary level are as follows:
4 Advanced
3 Proficient
2 Developing
1 Significant gaps in learning
0 No evidence of learning
Additional marks are available for the report card which include:
3 – Proficient in the part(s) of the standard that has been taught (used in elementary only)
ME Missing evidence
NA Not assessed during this grading period
Modified Standards have been modified to meet the current instructional level based on Individual Education Plan.
In grades K-6 for 2020 and transitioning to 7th grade in 2021 and 8th grade in 2022, grades will be reported on the report card by domain, to communicate relative proficiency and areas of need.
This will be reported in numeric form (0, 1, 2, 3, 4) without letter grade conversion (A, B, C).
Request for Class Placement & Changes
Ensuring that each student is placed in the most appropriate class is a process that is made with careful consideration. To change even one student can upset the balance that was very carefully created by the teachers and the principal. Therefore, requests for a child’s placement change is only considered in emergency situations, or when the outcome of a conference with the teacher, parents, student, and administration determines that a change is in the best interest of the student.
Textbooks, Library Books & Math Supplies
Textbooks, library books and math supplies are the property of the school and are loaned to the students to use during their time at Collins. It is expected that these items are handled with care and kept in good condition. If these books or supplies are lost or damaged, you will be required to pay the cost of replacement.
Tobacco, Alcohol, Drugs & Weapons
Federal and State law requires public school campuses to be tobacco, alcohol, drug and weapon free. This includes e-cigarettes/vapes and is true for anyone on school property. Thank you for setting this example for our students.
Please remind your child that students cannot have any object at school that can reasonably be considered a weapon or instrument that can create a danger to self or others, or cause a disruption of the learning environment. Consequences can be short-term suspension, long-term suspension, or expulsion and may require a referral to the Pierce County Sheriff. We appreciate your partnership in keeping everyone safe. If your child sees or hears anything regarding weapons, drugs or alcohol at school, it is important that they immediately report this to an adult at school.
Our goal is for busses to be a safe environment for all students. The bus driver has a difficult task of driving a bus while managing the behavior and safety of students. There are certain standards of behavior that are necessary for the personal safety of all students.
1. Students are expected to give the bus driver the same high level of respect they give their teachers. The bus is an extension of the classroom.
2. Students must follow the directions given by the bus driver at all times.
3. Heads or hands must not extend out the bus window.
4. Students must stay in their seats until the bus stops at their stop or at school.
5. Students should be quiet at railroad crossings.
6. Materials are not thrown on the floor or out the windows.
7. Students are expected to respect the rights and property of others.
8. Due to safety concerns (such as choking), eating on the bus is prohibited.
Changes to transportation: Students must have a note from a parent/guardian or a phone call must be made to the office (298-3870) to make any changes to a student’s regular transportation (pick up, bus, walk, etc.).
Consequences: Bus drivers, Collins staff and parents/guardians will partner to provide support to our students riding the bus. Students will be taught bus expectations and proactive support strategies will be used. If a student has difficulty managing behaviors on the bus, the following steps will be used:
Step 1: Warning
The driver will speak to the student about the behavior and notify the school about the concern. Bus Riding expectations will be reviewed with the student.
Step 2: Parent Contact
The driver will speak to the student, complete a Bus Conduct Report and call the parent/guardian. School administration will speak with the student and a school consequence may be assigned.
Step 3: Parent Conference, Possible Suspension and/or Restitution
The driver will complete a Bus Conduct Report and call the parent/guardian. A conference and/or suspension or restitution is required before riding privileges are reinstated.
Step 4: Bus Suspension
The driver completes a Bus Conduct Report. Parent/guardian will be contacted regarding the bus suspension.
Visiting Collins Elementary
A close working relationship between home and school is essential, and we welcome visitors to our classrooms. If you would like to visit a classroom, prior arrangements must be made with the teacher and the volunteer process must be completed. Administration may accompany the parent upon these requests.
Access Control: Maintaining the safety of our students and staff is a priority, and we are thankful to have recent security updates at Collins. All exteriors doors are locked and visitors must be buzzed into the main office. Upon arrival, all visitors requesting to pick up a student or enter the school will need to have picture identification.
On occasion, parents stop by to drop off a lunch or other items for their student. We ask that you leave these items in the office, and we will make sure they receive it. If there is an emergency and you need to speak to your child, we will call your student down to the main office.
Volunteers are an important part of the Collins team, and we welcome a partnership with our families and community. We must ensure that any individual who will be working closely with our students has passed a Washington State Patrol background check based on specific qualifications, in addition to following the guidelines under the Criminal History Information Child/Adult Abuse Information Act, RCW 43.43.830 through 43.43.845.
If you would like to volunteer at Collins, spend time in your child’s classroom, eat lunch with your child’s class and/or attend a field trip, please complete the volunteer process at the following link:
The weather in the NW is ever changing! Therefore, we ask that each student come prepared for the weather (i.e. coats, gloves, hats, rain boots, sunscreen applied at home, etc.). Unless weather is extreme, students will be outside for all recesses, rain or shine!
Occasionally, weather conditions do not permit operation of the school schedule. Updates on school closures, later starting times, etc. may be accessed through our school website, as well as through Remind.
Right at School
Before and after school care are offered at Collins, from 6:30am until 6:00pm through Right At School. Click here for Right at School details.