Collins Elementary News

Click here to read our most recent Howler. Our bi-monthly school newsletter is sent to email addresses listed in Qmlative.  If you are not receiving them, or are having issues opening it, please contact our main office.

Collins Community Spotlight - Open Mic and Community Resources Event on 1/16.

Join us at our upcoming family community night on 1/16 from 5:30pm-7pm! We will have an open mic event, and various community resources and organizations will be present. Students will highlight their work around the building, and they can participate in a raffle to earn prizes. We hope to see you there!

Attendance matters!

Click here for details about our schoolwide attendance incentive. 


1. Pull forward when there is room so other cars can enter our lot (rather than blocking the street). 

2. Cars must pull up to the curb before students exit or enter the car. Students may not cut through cars as this is a safety hazard.  During dismissal cars must pull up to the curb before the supervising adult will release a child.

3.  At dismissal students will be waiting in their assigned pick-up zone. Zones are broken up by the first letter of their last name. We ask families to not block traffic by waiting for an open spot. Instead, continue to drive around until another car departs (similar to an airport).

4. Due to buses families may not park on 18th Ave E.

Click For Bus Route Info


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Password: guest

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Message from the Principal

Join our Team!


Interested in working with some AMAZING Collins coyotes? Consider becoming a guest-educator! You will have a flexible schedule and work when and where you choose. To be a guest classroom teacher, you need a bachelor’s degree in any subject. With that, you can apply for an Emergency Substitute teaching certificate--you do not need to have a current teaching certificate. We will provide some additional training.

To be a paraeducator, you must possess a high school diploma, plus 72 quarter college credits of 100 level or above, an AA or a BA or pass the Para Assessment exam.

For more information, please go to > Get Involved > Careers > Current Job Openings > Job Openings and type sub in the position column to see specific information. We would love to have you join the Collins team!

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